Student Information System (SIS) Software | Genius SIS

Student Information System - SIS Software

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Student Information System (SIS) Software

Whether your school is a college or university, trade school or private institution, every school has one thing in common: The need to successfully manage student data. If your educational institution has a user-friendly, easily accessible online presence right from the first point of contact, that can give you a competitive edge over rival schools as well as benefiting your students.

Depending on the size and type of your school, you may have many departments. Every department serves an important job and has its own internal processes. However, each of those individual departments needs to work cohesively with each other in a uniform manner. They need to communicate across the departments and specialties to create a seamless educational experience for the students. Open communications and data sharing is key to the success or failure of any educational institution.

How SIS Software Brings Everything Together

School administrators can solve the problem of student data management by implementing a strong Student Information System (SIS). Technology has helped make huge improvements in how student data is recorded, applied and accessed. An SIS platform acts as a central processing center for all your student and school administrator needs across the board. It negates the need for extra personnel to make photocopies and file student documents because everything from admissions to tuition payments to enrolling students in particular courses (or sections of courses) is done from a single point of entry.

You Control the Access

Genius SIS is a student management system that can be made accessible to anybody you choose, and at which level they have access. As an administrator, you can also limit who has access to student records if necessary. The SIS is available online in a secure environment, so students can log in anytime and from anywhere. Your students will love the ease of access when it comes to looking up their course and enrollment information.

Making School Applications and Enrollment Easier

One of the major benefits of the SIS is the ease in which students can enroll in your school. The simplicity of your enrollment process is something that can have a tremendous impact on how many applications you receive. If your enrollment process is unwieldy or difficult, maybe it’s time to consider putting an SIS in place that allows applicants a more cohesive, user-friendly way to apply. Your enrollment process should be easily accessed and intuitive, with no glitches or roadblocks to cause the applicant to rethink their decision to apply.

SIS makes enrollment error-free by offering step by step application processes that are fast and easy. When the applicant is prepared to apply, then all they have to do is follow the instructions that will take them one step closer to being a student at your school. Once the applicant’s information is completed, the SIS will alert them of the next steps. The application will be sent to all the pertinent departments for review. The student can be notified of delays or requests form more information via email or texts.

Upon acceptance of the applicant to the school, notification of their enrollment status can be sent to various departments like financial aid, accounting, student housing and educational advisors. Each department can then communicate with the student and continue to process the student’s information. There’s no paperwork to track down or incomplete information. SIS offers an error-free environment for better enrollment processing.

A Wealth of Student Data Management -- In One Place

Not only can SIS track the enrollment process, but it’s a virtual storage center for other data too. Important information like transcripts, student attendance, accounts payable, financial aid payments and grades can all be stored in one easy to access the database. This cuts down on processing times and paperwork for a cost-effective solution to data management.

Your students will also love having the ability to view their information online. Most people prefer the option to use the internet to track their data instead of having to make a phone call. 21st-century learners expect to have self-managed, online options at their fingertips. SIS will bring your institution up to date when it comes to self-service platforms for students. Allowing them to view information online instead of calling the school will free up your staff for other tasks.

The ability to easily share data is among the essential functions when it comes to a cohesive work environment. SIS encourages communication between departments rather than frustration. When everyone on the staff has access to the same information, there are no more misunderstandings when it comes to understanding the data. Employees can analyze the data and ask pertinent questions based on shared information. SIS helps build teamwork by providing information accessible to everyone.

Parents will appreciate having access to their student’s information, too. It can be frustrating for parents when they’re not in the loop and must rely on second-hand information from the student. With SIS parents have clear information in front of them to help pay for tuition, keep up with deadlines and view their child’s grades. This access will also help them keep their child on track to maintain good grades and attendance.

SIS and Marketing

Genius SIS can also be used as a marketing tool to gather data about demographics, graduation rates and enrollments. Your marketing team can reach out to applicants who have shown an interest in the school via SIS or have incomplete applications. The information from Genius SIS can be used to send informational emails about the school to potential applicants without spending a lot of money on a marketing campaign.

The benefits of this kind of student management system are wide-reaching, making it a necessary tool for every learning institution that wants to stay competitive in the high-tech environment that today’s students expect. It’s also a safe solution to guard against data breaches and can automate time-consuming processes.

Genius SIS is the answer to the data management needs of all types of educational institutions. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your school administration and your student body!